Mission Ministry PCP100

Identifying the Gift of Mission and Missionary 110

Identifying the Attributes of Action and Motion  110 ​

Understanding the Gift of Missioning 110 ​

Understanding the Call to Geographical Regions  110 ​

Honing a Heart for Community Relationship 110​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Introductory Perspectives on Missioning 112

Cultivating the Art of Loving for Serving 112​

Biblical Concept of Healing and Miracles 112​

Understanding the Process of Repentance 112​

Salvation and Grace Introduction 112​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Theological Fundamental of Missions Ministry 114

Practical Approach to Missions 114​

Theological Principles of Missios Ministry 114​

Missionary Vocational Responsibility 114​

Essential Skills for Community Outreach 114​

Credits __________________________________ 3

Essences of Mission Ministry  116

Essential Skills for Identify Community Needs 116​

Developing Mission Trip Organizing Skills 116​

Principle Skills to Provide Aid and Relief 116​

Methods for Identifying Basic Mental Need 116​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Mission and Outreach Comprehensive 117

Application of the Divine Mission of Christ  117​

Exploring the Essential Elements of Missioning 117​

Principle Framework of Proclamation 117     ​

Practical Skills on Governmental Involvement    117​

Credits __________________________________ 3

Mid-Term/Final Exam​

TOTAL CREDITS EARNED ____________________ 15