Ministry Stewardship CCP100

Primary Principles of Stewardship  105

A Biblical Outlook on Vocational Responsibility 105​

The Rule on Sowing and Reaping 105 ​

Understanding the Laws on Resting 105​

Investigative on Divine Increase 105​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Essentials of Financial Discipline and Faith 102

Foundations of Faith and Faithfulness 102​

Understanding the History and Roots of Tithing 102​

Steps  for Hiring and Training Volunteers 102​

Selecting and Maintaining Board Committee 102​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Community Outreach and Church Stewardship 106

Reaching Communities Through Nutrition  104​

Economical Community Reach 104​

Vocational Community Support 104​

Providing Elms and Resources for Families  104​

Credits __________________________________ 3

Financial Correlation to Church Stewardship 106

Financial and Stewardship Approach 106​

God’s Expectation of Healthy Financial Behavior 106​

Quintessentials of Ministry Financial Stability 106​

Church Financial Unhealthiness Negative Impacts 106​

Credits _________________________________ 3

Biblical Teaching on Tithe and Offering 135

The First and Second Law of Tithing 135​

Understanding Tithing Percentile 135 ​

The Doctrine and Covenant of Tithing 135​

Knowledge on the Purpose of Tithing 135​

Credits __________________________________ 3

​Mid-Term/Final Exam​

TOTAL CREDITS EARNED ____________________ 15